SF Refresh is hosting six daylong citywide events that enable San Franciscans to receive free whole body care in community garden settings in 2011. Activities include: gardening classes, yoga, life coaching, meditation, trauma care, nutrition classes, massage, acupuncture, tea and coffee cuppings, movement classes, preventative health care information and more. In addition to providing direct services to those who need them, SF Refresh connects individuals and families to self care resources available through the city's system of care, local businesses and non-profit organizations.
Zero Waste Goal: Our event is designed to be a zero waste event. We are working hard to only create and utilize reusable or compostable materials at the garden or farm onsite. Additionally, most of the materials used for the event will divert waste from the dump. Most of the materials and art supplies for the event are from Recology or reused/repurposed materials donations. We ask all visitors to help us with our goal of zero waste. Please refrain from bringing waste (particularly anything plastic) to SF Refresh or the garden and farm sites. Learn how to work toward zero waste in your home, work and community.
Art Projects: Several art projects (created by Melissa Lareau and Ilyse Magy) have appeared at different refresh events in San Francisco. Previous projects have included: We Forgive You Letters; Affirmation Murals;Thoughts Matter; Imagination Station; Affirmation and Forgiveness Trees, Trellis and Fences; Meet the Artist: Mother Earth Exhibit; Mural Painting and Sidewalk Chalk Art.
4pm Hour of Meditation and Mindfulness: In partnership with the Interfaith Center at the Presidio, While there will be opportunities for meditation and mindfulness throughout the day, this hour will dedicated only to meditation and mindfulness practices. Join us for interfaith opportunity to try out many types of mindfulness and meditation and find out works for you. We also hope to dramatically increase the amount of positive energy in San Francisco to see if we can make a noticeable difference in the city. Have a meditation or mindfulness practice you'd be willing to lead? Learn more about how to get involved here.
History: SF Refresh was originally a part of Project Homeless Connect's (PHC) Growing Home Community Garden. In 2012 the garden was became fully operated by peers that were trained in the program and is now operated by the community. The
Phone: 415-503-2196
Fax: 415-503-2099
Fax: 415-503-2099
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 420404
San Francisco, CA 94142
Social Networking:
Lead Volunteers:
Interested in being a lead volunteer? Email sfrefresh@gmail.com to let us know.
- Art Lead: Ilyse Magy, Revel Art Collective
- Spiritual Wellness Lead: Melissa Lareau, Revel Art Collective
- Cooking Classes Lead: Madeline Morley, Urban Kitchen SF
- Visitation Valley Greenway Garden Leads: Fran Martin, Anne Seeman
- Hayes Valley Farm Lead: Booka Alon
- Free Farm Lead: Tree
- Jazz Lead: Don Pender
- Program Manager: Megan Rohrer
- Garden Educator: Ty Campbell
- Office Assistant: Lori Lipparelli
- Peer Outreach Team: Joseph, Yvette, Carole
- Interns: Christopher Delovage, Adrian Scharfetter and Yonat Mayer