Garden Refresh

Why Refresh?  Read more.
Can't make it to our event, or want to get started now?  Read about easy ways you can improve your health at community gardens.

We held 6 day-long SF Refresh events at 8 different community garden sites in San Francisco and served 1,612 participants

Past Dates:
Gardens Open During SF Refresh:
Potrero Hill Community Garden, San Bruno Ave/20th Street, Potrero Hill [open at all times]
Fort Mason Community Garden, behind Administration Building, Fort Mason [open at all times]

 SF Refresh was a part of the Growing Home's Seeding Resilience project, which increased access to mental health services and provides employment opportunities and skills. A two year innovation project (2010-2012) with major support provided by the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), the Seeding Resilience project was 75% focused on the Growing Home Community Garden (Octavia & Lily) and 25% on working with Urban Agricultural leaders in San Francisco to build a citywide network of support for mental health consumers.

City Partners:


Support and In-kind Donations Provided By the Following Buisnesses:

Community Partners and Activity Sponsors:

The Free Farm
The Visitation Valley Greenway Garden
Garden for the Environment
The Love of Ganesh
First United Lutheran Church
No Penny Opera