Thursday, August 25, 2011

August 20th Event Results

Garden gnomes created at our August 20th event.

‎128 people refreshed and we had 3 new garden sites in the Bayview. Two of these sites provide direct services to low-income, homeless or formerly homeless individuals. People stayed longer and participated more. It was a beautiful day! Check out photos from the event below.

Our day began with breakfast at the Bayveiw Mission orchard, where we then went on a walk and trash pick up.

The Bayview Roots Garden:
Our event created many opportunities to outreach to residents in the Bayview near the 3rd/Palou site and let them know about the garden spaces near them ane how they can be a part of their whole body health care.

Volunteers at the Bayview Roots Garden participated in a peer lead composting skill share and were given a worm compost bin and some of the worms cared for by the members of the Growing Home Community Garden. We're excited to partner with the Bayview Roots Garden to help them (GHCG) to create a program similar to GHCG.

At the Bayview Opera House:

Participants at a sprouting skill share.

Participants learned medicinal Qi Gong.

Jack once again shared his amazing harp therapy.

One of our youngest participants creates a forgiveness letter, one of the healing art projects created for SF Refresh by Melissa Lareau.

Container gardening class teaches individuals how they can have a garden in small spacess and donated additional resources to the Bayview Opera House garden.

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