Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Thank you!
We would like to say a big thank you for making the SF Refresh a success. Without your generous participation, we would not be able to have these events that are so crucial to the Bay Area community. SF Refresh consisted of 6 day long events, had 1,612 participants at 8 different community gardens throughout San Francisco. These events have inspired many of the garden sites to now call their learning opportunities "skill shares" and use our model of teaching base level skills to people of all abilities.
We are continuing to utilize what we have learned hosting these events to host Garden Parties following Project Homeless Connect (PHC) events at the GHCG and Bayview Roots Garden (BRG). These garden parties provide continued care for PHC event participants and provide them with opportunities to continue to learn basic life skills, find sober communities and to become involved in their communities. The October garden parties had 86 unique individuals participate in peer led events.
With a little more of your generous participation at these increasingly important events, we hope to reach further into the community. As we said before, your involvement with these events is the key to our success and you are enabling a door to be opened for so many individuals.
The event schedule is as follows:
Thursday, November 10th - Bayview Roots Garden Party. 12-2 PM.
Friday, November 11th - Growing Home Community Garden Party. 12-2 PM.
Thursday, December 15th - Bayview Roots Garden Party. 12-2 PM.
Friday, December 16th - Growing Home Community Garden Party. 12-2 PM.
If you have questions or would like to RSVP to an event, please feel free to contact us at: or 415.503.2196.
Thanks again for all of your help and support at our SF Refresh events.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
183 Participants at 10/25 SF Refresh

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
194 Participate in the 9/25 SF Refresh Event
Additional outreach opportunities for peers will be held throughout the rest of the year with garden parties following the upcoming Project Homeless Connect (PHC) events. These parties will increase the number of peers participating in our project, provide an opportunity for peers to participate in our green job training curriculum and help connect PHC participants with community gardens in the neighborhoods where they live. The schedule for these events are:
Oct 6th - Bayview Garden Party: Bayview Roots Garden (3rd/Palou)
Oct 7th- Central City Garden Party: Growing Home Community Garden (Octavia/Lily)
Nov 10th - Bayview Garden Party: Bayview Roots Garden(3rd/Palou)
Nov 11th - Central City Garden Party: Growing Home Community Garden (Octavia/Lily)
Dec 15th - Bayview Garden Party: Bayview Roots Garden(3rd/Palou)
Dec 16th - Central City Garden Party: Growing Home Community Garden (Octavia/Lily)
Some photos from the event are included below.
50 participants join us at the Growing Home Community garden, where all activities were peer led.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Garden Parties!
See below for dates and contact us at to volunteer and get involved!
Oct 6th - Bayview Garden Party: Bayview Roots Garden (3rd/Palou)
Oct 7th- Central City Garden Party: Growing Home Community Garden (Octavia/Lily)
Nov 10th - Bayview Garden Party: Bayview Roots Garden(3rd/Palou)
Nov 11th - Central City Garden Party: Growing Home Community Garden (Octavia/Lily)
Dec 15th - Bayview Garden Party: Bayview Roots Garden(3rd/Palou)
Dec 16th - Central City Garden Party: Growing Home Community Garden (Octavia/Lily)
Interested in helping to serve lunch, supporting members of their community, and facilitating beginner art or garden activities? E-mail

Join Us on September 25 for SF Refresh!
Here is a sampling of what you can expect and how you can get involved! (Locations Below).
10:00 AM Open Cathedral (Free Farm)
12:00 PM Sharing a Free Meal (Hayes Valley Farm, Bayview Roots Garden)
12:00 PM Healing Harp (Hayes Valley)
12:00 PM Vespertine Orchestra (Bayview Roots)
12:00 PM Garden skillshares (Growing Home Community Garden)
12:30 PM Container Gardening skillshare (Bayview Roots)
12:30 PM Interplay workshop (Hayes Valley)
12:30 PM Yoga (Growing Home)
1:00 PM Vespertine Orchestra (Bayview Roots)
1:00 PM Garden skillshares (Growing Home)
1:30 PM Yoga (Hayes Valley)
1:30 PM Forgiveness Letters (Bayview Roots)
1:30 PM Worms! Gardening skillshare (Bayview Roots)
2:00 PM Medical Qi Gong (Hayes Valley)
2:00 PM Composting skillshare (Bayview Roots)
2:00 PM Garden skillshares (Growing Home)
2:30 PM Worms! Gardening skillshare (Bayview Roots)
2:30 PM Yoga (Growing Home)
3:00 PM Pocket Gardening skillshare (Bayview Roots)
3:00 PM Garden skillshares (Growing Home)
3:33 PM Meditation (Bayview Roots)
4:00 PM Garden skillshares (Growing Home)
Free Farm (Eddy/Gough)
Hayes Valley Farm (Fell/Laguna)
Growing Home Community Garden (Octavia/Lily)
Bayview Roots (3rd/Palou)
To learn more, visit the SF Refresh blog.
Do you have a skill to share? Join us at SF Refresh!
Contact us at to contribute an activity on September 25th!
Save the Date for our final SF Refresh event on Sat., 10/15

Thursday, August 25, 2011
August 20th Event Results
128 people refreshed and we had 3 new garden sites in the Bayview. Two of these sites provide direct services to low-income, homeless or formerly homeless individuals. People stayed longer and participated more. It was a beautiful day! Check out photos from the event below.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Featured Skill Share: Garden Gnomes!

Made from clay, seed and soil these garden gnomes are designed to degrade and plant wild flowers.
An amazing stop motion film was made by the the participants of the who decided to make an impromptu claymation project. The video, made by Revel Art Collective member, Ilyse Magy is below.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
July 24th SF Refresh Results

457 Participants joined in today's event!

177 people joined us at the Bayview Opera House for breakfast and a trash pick up. Special thanks to the Department of Public Works for providing the trash pick up materials and to Melissa Lareau our lead volunteer, a neighbor who envisioned this project as a way the Bayview could refresh.
53 people joined us at the Free Farm where 50 lunches, where served in addition to an open Cathedral, meditation and yoga onsite throughout the day.

39 people joined us at the Growing Home Community Garden, Where our six youth interns should off the skills they had learned at the garden and taught skill shares throughout the day with the homeless and formerly homeless individuals who run the garden.

188 people joined us at the Hayes Valley Farm to enjoy lots of music (including the Homeless Choir, a circus orchestra, harp therapy, and Lia Rose), gardening classes, vegan food, peer led safer sex and domestic violence recovery skill shares and yoga. Check out photos from the Hayes Valley Farm below.

Relaxing in the garden with organic vegan food

Compost classes

Peer led safer sex class


Lia Rose
Friday, July 22, 2011
Join Us Sunday (July 24th)
Eddy/Gough - the Free Farm
10:00am – 11:00am Open Cathedral - St. Paulus Lutheran Church
11:00am – 12:00pm Yoga (Flow Style) - Linda Leu
12:00pm – 1:00pm Vegan Lunch - Free Farm - The Free Farm - Eddy/Gough
1:00pm – 2:00pm yoga with Linda Leu
2:00pm – 3:00pm Labyrinth Walk
4:00pm – 5:30pm Take TiNa Movement Class - Natalie Johl and James Word
Laguna/Fell - the Hayes Valley Farm
12:00pm – 12:30pm Sana / ukelele (tentative)
12:00pm – 12:50pm Diane Reiki (Tentative)
12:00pm – 1:00pm Yoga for Kids - Lindsey Goldberg - Hayes Valley Farm
12:00pm – 5:00pm Karleen - Hayes Lead - Hayes valley - confrimed
12:30pm – 12:55pm Jack/healing harp
1:00pm – 1:25pm Sana/ukelele (tentative)
1:00pm – 2:00pm All Levels Yoga - Lindsey Goldberg
1:00pm – 2:00pm Fun w/ Herbs with Sam
1:30pm – 2:30pm Singers of the Street - Hayes Valley Farm Fell/Laguna
2:00pm – 3:00pm Edible Weeds w/Sam - Hayes
2:30pm – 4:00pm Vespertine Orchestra
3:00pm – 3:50pm Linda Leu (kids)
3:00pm – 4:00pm safer sex with maria-resched loc/3pm
3:00pm – 4:00pm Fun w/ Herbs with Sam - hayes
4:00pm – 5:00pm All Levels Yoga - Lindsey Goldberg - Hayes Valley Farm
4:00pm – 5:00pm Lia Rose
Octavia/Lily - the Growing Home Community Garden
4:00pm – 5:00pm Garden Skill Shares (watering, irrigation, composting, succulant pocket vertical gardening, weeding, harvesting)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Why I'm Soooo Excited For the Next SF Refresh!
We must have some sort of weather luck because both SF Refresh events have had some great weather. I’m sure it will be just as nice, if not nicer at the next SF Refresh event on July 24th, 2011. So far, the last SF Refresh Events have been a great collaboration of leaders and workshops, dedicated to teaching valuable skills and providing free whole body care. Workshops have focused on Reiki, massage, yoga, writing, music, life coaching, meditation, compost, sculpture, making succulent pockets, canning, medicinal herbs, and much more. SF Refresh is a time to come together as a community and enjoy a positive, healing, and informational experience inside gardens throughout San Francisco.
At every SF Refresh event that I have attended, I have met some interesting people that have shared some insightful information and helpful methods of healing. At the events, I have been able to connect with some great people that I may not have normally met. At each SF Refresh there are new and returning workshop and skill share leaders, and every time I go, I seem to meet someone new that can teach me something interesting and valuable. Workshop leaders attend SF Refresh in order to share knowledge and skills that they know well. By the end of the day, I always feel that I have learned at least two or three things (if not more) that I can take home with me or share with other people. At the last event I learned how to make vertical gardening pockets and how to can food for preservation.
SF Refresh has been a time in my week to take a break from the normal day to day activities and share a positive experience. As people come together from all walks of life in the San Francisco community, it is great being able to share an afternoon with new people who all share a similar interest of self-health, sustainability and positive existence. This connection and unity from a spontaneous new group is definitely a beautiful thing. It feels great to get outside and be in a space of nature, even in the city. Being in a garden and around plants is very therapeutic in itself, but getting a massage in a garden or doing yoga is very healing and relaxing.
I encourage you to attend SF Refresh to enjoy yourself. If you want a new experience that is fun and interesting, and also therapeutic and informational, these garden events are a great time to check in. SF Refresh is a place to learn valuable information that you can take home and apply to your daily life. With such great resources volunteered by such insightful, talented and dedicated individuals, it is a great opportunity to take advantage of these resources at this one moment in time. SF Refresh is also a place to express yourself through art projects and other creative workshops. I encourage people to join us on Juy 24th, 2011 at the next SF Refresh to heal yourself and enhance your life. SF Refresh is a great opportunity in the city for our entire community to come together, learn new skills, receive whole body care and experience the healing of nature.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Introducing Lia Rose
Resonant and compassionate, Lia Rose overflows with a soft articulation of that which makes us all go on. Couple her enormous yet clement tone with a simple honest story to tell, and you will find Lia Rose's newest works.
Having gained some attention fronting oceanic indierock band Built for the Sea, Rose now lets us into her more intimate world with her full-length debut solo album, When You Need Me Most (Release: January 2011).
What this record reveals is a passionate artist with an ear for the beauty in the tastefully adorned austerity of a set of strings, a simple truth; the quiet emotion that binds us all.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
197 Participate in the May 21st Event

Special thanks to the Department of Public Works who supplied us with trash bags, vests, trash pickets, brooms, dust pans and latex gloves. You can report trash for pick up in your neighborhood anytime, by calling 3-1-1 and reporting the location of the trash.
At the Visitation Valley Greenway Garden:
97 individuals enjoyed our jazz festival, held in conjunction with the local merchant association's sidewalk sale. The pictures below feature some of the amazing acts that shared their talents with us that day:

ROCK Korean Martial Arts

The Alemany Farm:

Other activities included canning, composting and shape note singing workshops.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Introducing: Anastasia Crosson
Contact me at canityounit@gmail.
Anastasia will be leading a canning workshop at 3pm at The Alemany Farm on May 21st.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Introducing: Jazzberry Patch

Don Pender, saxophone; Jose Martinez, congas; Hal Solin, drums; Bernie Bagshaw, guitar; Jay R. Witt, piano
Jay R. Witt: piano & electric keyboard (J.R.) is a multi-instrumentalist who grew up and began his music career in Salt Lake City, where he received a jazz emphasis music degree at the University of Utah. There he developed his craft in the midst of musicians and educators assembled from throughout the United States as part of a unique and experimental jazz program comparable at that time to the talent level of the established east coast music programs. After playing full time for several years, J. R. took time off from music to establish a career as a C.P.A. but is once again musically active and performing throughout the Bay Area. He has over 15,000 hours of professional performing experience in private dinner clubs, theaters and other public/casual venues playing with various jazz/rock/blues/pop ensembles and has facility on a dozen different instruments. With Don Pender, J.R. is featured on piano and electric keyboard.
Jose (Manuel) Martinez: congas Don meet Manny on a bridge at lake Merced that Mayer Willie Brown built right before he left office. He was walking one day and heard these wonderful congas sound as if it were floating in the wind. He decided to find out where it was coming from and he went over and saw Manny playing to some music in his headphones. They became friends and Manny has been playing with Don ever since. That was 5 years ago. Manny is from the Dominican Republic and has many years of experience playing Latin music and brings a lot of flavor to the group
Hal Solin: drums Hal got interested in drums at an early age thanks to an uncle who played drums in a band. He took as many music classes in school as possible and started playing gigs right out of high school. Fearing that he would become just another one of those “jazz musicians”, his mother urged him to get a teaching credential and play music during the summers. The credential led to a 39 year career with the San Francisco public school system. The last 12 as associate superintendent. Hal kept his music alive by forming Standard Time, a band that continues to entertain in various venues throughout the bay area. Since retiring he has made music his main focus, studying with noted drum teacher Pete Magadini and playing at every opportunity. He belongs to several bay area groups such as the Starduster Orchestra, The Joe Agro Sextet and West Coast Cool. He also plays regularly with Wanda Stafford and Si Perkoff at the Panama Hotel in Marin.
Bernie Bagshaw: guitar Bernie started playing the guitar at age 10 influenced by rock & roll and folk. He started listening to and playing jazz in high school. He studied music at the College of Marin and San Francisco State University during the 70'. For the past 30 years he worked as an electrician in San Francisco. About 8 years ago he started going to jam sessions in and around San Francisco. He has recently retired as an electrician and is spending most of his time playing the guitar.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Help us Win $5,000
SF Refresh creator and coordinator Megan Rohrer, is a finalist for the Citizen of Tomorrow Award. This means that SF Refresh has a one in five chance of winning $5,000 for our events. The fine folk at the Bay Area Citizen made the video above.
Please take a moment and vote for Megan and SF Refresh, since the award is determined by online voting, only you can help us get this grant!
Thanks for all your help and for all the ways you help to support SF Refresh.
Introducing: Mad and Eddie Duran

Eddie Duran has been a major guitarist since he had his first gig when he was 15 in the late 1940s. He actually began on the piano. “However one of my older brothers started playing guitar and I gravitated towards it. Once I found the guitar, that was it. Phil Woods once said that he was placed on this earth to make music and that’s the way I feel. I have no regrets.”
Mostly self-taught, Eddie listened to Django Reinhardt records (studying some of his solos), loved George Van Eps’ chordal playing, and was inspired by Charlie Christian and the other great guitarists to follow, including Barney Kessel, Jimmy Raney and Tal Farlow. When he was 15, his career got underway when he accompanied one of his sisters who was a professional singer and dancer. He has been busy ever since and is one of the fixture of the San Francisco jazz scene. Through the years, Eddie worked with Vince Guaraldi, Red Norvo, Earl Hines, Cal Tjader (including an album with Stan Getz), George Shearing, Jon Hendricks, Tania Maria, Barbara Streisand, Pearl Bailey, and Benny Goodman (1976-80). He led albums of his own for Fantasy (1957’s Jazz Guitarist) and three for Concord. The first call guitarist in San Francisco, Eddie never lacked for work. He did not travel much despite getting many offers because he was married and raising a family; his first wife passed away in 1977.
For two memorable weeks in the early 1950s, Eddie worked with Charlie Parker. “We had a quartet with a bassist and Larance Marable. During the second week Chet Baker joined us. Bird might have had trouble with his habits and been nodding out at the bar but, when he got on the stand, it was a complete transformation. He really amazed me because in the dressing room before we went on, he made sandwiches out of Ritz crackers and sardines. Horn players can’t eat crackers before going on stage but he would play perfectly minutes later!”
While Eddie is primarily an ear player, Madaline (who is from a younger generation) has a very different background, being classically trained. She grew up south of San Francisco in Belmont. Mad remembers early on being very intrigued by a dixieland band that she heard at an amusement park, seeing Boots Randolph and Pete Fountain on television, and listening to Broadway musicals on the radio with her father. “There was a neighbor boy across the street who played clarinet. I liked the way it looked and loved the way it sounded. I was able to get a really good sound on it when I was ten, setting me up for the saxophone.” She took private lessons through college, started playing alto when she was twelve, and soon added tenor, flute and soprano. Although she was primarily a classical player, Mad played in her school jazz bands and, while a senior in high school, was selected as a member of the Monterey Jazz Festival’s High School All Star Band. “I remember hearing a Charlie Parker record when I was in college and I could not believe that he was playing off the top of his head, so creative, so fast and with such spontaneity. I was a classical musician so I did not attempt to even try to play like Charlie Parker until I met Eddie.”
Mad played in local big bands for society dances in San Jose, earned a degree in classical music at the University of Miami, and performed with Broadway musicals that came to town. “I read music very well and played five instruments. During that era, I would never refuse any musical job.” After moving to the Napa Valley, she had a catering business, pairing wine with food. But she ultimately chose music over food.
“In 1984 I went to the Cotati Jazz Festival to try to get inspiration to get back into playing music,” remembers Mad. “I got totally what I wanted! It was a festival where the musicians perform at various clubs. I walked into the club that Eddie was playing at and there just happened to be a high school friend of mine in the audience who I hadn’t seen in ten years. She was with the drummer on the gig and asked if I’d like to meet Eddie. I had heard his name but had never seen him before.”
“When I met Mad,” recalls Eddie, “she mentioned that she played. I said that I’d love to hear her sometime. We soon did some rehearsing, and at one point she asked if I thought she could be a jazz player. I said yes but she would have to really work at it. Well, she did.” “When I first played with Eddie,” adds Mad, “I could not get on the bandstand without music being in front of me. I was actually heading off into an avant-garde direction. But he knew every standard and I’ve learned so much from him, so many songs. I don’t think I would have gone in this direction if it were not for him; I wouldn’t have had the knowledge. What I’ve done for him is maybe give him more of a desire to explore more dissonance. I hear that in his playing much more since we’ve been together. He takes more chances while he has simmered me down from taking too many chances at one time.”
Mad and Eddie Duran, who soon married, have worked together on a regular basis ever since, in settings ranging from a duo up to a quintet. They have performed at the key Bay area clubs, the Monterey, San Jose, Russian River and Telluride Jazz Festivals, Sonoma Jazz Plus, and on several very enjoyable recordings.
From Here To The Moon features the Durans in a straightahead quartet with pianist Al Plank, bassist Scott Steed and drummer Vince Lateano and with a Latin jazz group that also includes pianist Mark Levine, bassist Mark Van Wageningen and percussionist Raul Ramirez. Mad is featured on five instruments (soprano, alto, tenor, alto flute and C-flute), Eddie provided the arrangements and two originals (including the “Symphony Sid Samba”), and the co-leaders collaborated on “Quesadillas.” The music is comprised of superior bop and Latin jazz tunes with one of the highlights being a combination of George Shearing’s “Conception” and Miles Davis’ “Deception.”
Eddie Rides Again was the next project. “Madaline suggested that I record a solo album,” says the guitarist. “Since I know a lot of music, I just went into the studio, thought of tunes that I loved to play, and went for it. The engineer did a great job of miking the guitar so it has a nice acoustic sound even though I was playing electric.” The unaccompanied set gave Eddie an opportunity to play pianistically on 11 of his favorite standards plus his own “Sueno” and “Blues.” The result is beautiful music infused with Eddie Duran’s own brand of soul.
Three CDs, Brazilian Passion, Samba Cocktail and That Bossa Nova Thing, are each tributes to Stan Getz and Joao Gilberto. In fact, these tenor-guitar duets were all recorded at the same sessions. “In a duo, you get to hear each instrument much more clearly,” says Eddie. “By then I was tuning my guitar a whole step lower so it becomes a B flat instrument and I can play more basslines.” With Mad often sounding a bit like Getz and Eddie paying homageto Gilberto, these 33 performances are prime bossa-nova. One never misses the other instruments.
The most recent CD, Simply Mad, features Eddie, bassist Ray Drummond, drummer Akira Tana and Mad who exclusively plays alto except for a bit of alto flute on “Begin The Beguine.” She displays a distinctive style on alto that is a logical extension of the bop tradition without copying the past. A special treat of this set is getting to hear some particularly rare verses. Among the many highpoints are Eddie’s “Everybody Digs Barney Kessel,” Fools Rush In,” “The Song Is You” and “Violets For Your Furs,” but there are no slow moments or throwaway tracks to be heard on this delightful and swinging set.
For the future, the Durans hope to perform and record with a string quartet, in addition to taking their music on the road much more extensively. Mad and Eddie Duran are doing exactly what they love to do, creating music together while letting the audience into their musical and personal love affair.
Mad and Eddie Duran will be playing at:
12pm Han Schiller Plaza, Visitacion Valley Greenway Garden on May 21st
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Bayview Neighborhood Walk and Trash Pick-up

While it might not be the first thing you think of when you think of whole body care, walking is good for your body, being in community to do something good is great for the psyche and cleaning up the neighborhood is great for everyone who is able to enjoy the natural beauty that is all around them.
Please wear appropriate clothing for the weather, walking and for trash pick-up. Closed-toed shoes are recommended.
We'll provide the trash pick up supplies and the fun. Bring your family, friends and any stranger you may pass along the way who wants to help out.

* Learn how you can help take care of litter in your neighborhood every day.
* Learn more about how you can get involved in DPW's litter pick-up volunteer team.