- 8:00am All Levels Yoga (Flow Style) - Linda Leu
- 9:00am Labyrinth Walk - Kris Iversen 10:00am Affirmation/Forgiveness Trees
- 10:00am Meet the Artist: Mother Earth Exhibit
- 10:00am We Forgive you Papers 10:00am Volunteers @ The Free Farm
- 10:00am Meditation Workshop - Pancho
- 11:00am Herbs and Health Garden Talk/Walking Tour - Finn Cunningham
- 11:00am Nonviolence Workshop - Pancho
- 12:00pm Vegan Lunch 1:00pm Labyrinth Walk - Kris Iversen
- 1:00pm Yoga for Kids - Linda Leu
- 3:00pm Ball of Light Meditation - Melissa Lareau
- 3:00pm Yoga for Seniors and Individuals with Limited Mobility - Julie
- 3:30pm Grounding/Opening Chakra Meditation - Melissa Lareau
- 4:00pm All Levels Yoga (Flow Style) - Linda Leu
- 4:00pm Labyrinth Walk - Kris Iversen
- 4:00pm Mindfulness, Meditation and Somatic Experiencing Class - Rik Center of the Mindfulness Care Center 4:00pm Mural Painting - Composting Toilet
- 4:00pm Nichiren Shu Meditation (chanting and drums) - Michael McCormick
- 4:00pm Nonviolence Workshop - Pancho
- 4:00pm Planting and Potting Mindfulness - Tree
- 4:00pm Ball of Light Meditation - Melissa Lareau
- 4:30pm Grounding/Opening Chakra Meditation - Melissa Lareau
- 5:00pm Earth Healing Meditation - Melissa Lareau
- 6:00pm Meet the Artist - Anne Hamersky 8:00pm Stargazing – Pancho
At the Growing Home Community Garden (Octavia/Lily)
- 10:00am Affirmation/Forgiveness Trees
- 10:00am Meet the Artist: Mother Earth Exhibit
- 10:00am We Forgive you Papers
- 10:00am Meditation - Christopher Blount
- 11:00am Sprouting Skill Share - Christopher Blount
- 12:00pm Bicycle Powered Smoothies @ GHCG
- 1:00pm Deep Relaxation - Christopher Blount
- 1:00pm Writing Workshop - Rachel Cassandra and Jimmy Defebaugh of the Revel Art Collective
- 2:00pm Gardening for your Self Care Skill Share - Christopher Blount
- 3:00pm Irrigation and Drip System Skill Share
- 3:00pm Learn more about Alcoholics Anonymous
- 3:00pm Writing Workshop - Rachel Cassandra and Jimmy Defebaugh of the Revel Art Collective
- 4:00pm Harp Therapy - Jack Pantaleo
- 4:00pm Mindless Doodling - Ilyse Magy
At the Hayes Valley Farm (Fell/Laguna)
- 8:00am – 12pm The Great Compost Giveaway – Recology (bring your own bucket)
- 9:5am Parachute Play - Sam McMullen
- 10:00am Affirmation/Forgiveness Trees
- 10:00am Imagination Station
- 10:00am Meet the Artist: Mother Earth Exhibit
- 10:00am Mural painting - Jessica Kraft
- 10:00am We Forgive you Papers
- 10:00am Stretching/Movement - Jaime Tjahaja
- 10:45am Parachute Play - Sam McMullen
- 11:00am Be Red Cross Ready (Disaster Preparedness) - The Red Cross
- 11:00am Composting Skill Share - Sam McMullen
- 11:00am Making Your your End of Life Care Wishes Known - Megan Dowdell
- 11:00am Fence Yarn Pocket Art - Lily Laurence and Lauren Gucik of the Revel Art Collective
- 11:00am Reiki - Diana Wheeler
- 11:30am Chair Massage - Amy Hintze
- 11:45am Parachute Play - Sam McMullen
- 12:00pm Lunch @ Hayes Valley Farm*
- 12:00pm Choose Your Own Cob Oven Pizza Adventure
- 12:45pm Parachute Play - Sam McMullen 1:00pm Herbs and Wellness Skill Share - Sam McMullen
- 1:00pm Live Acoustic Music - David Douglas
- 1:45pm Parachute Play - Sam McMullen
- 2:00pm Vespertine Orchestra 1:00pm Composting Skill Share - Jaime Tjahaja 2:00pm Building Succulant Fence Pockets - Booka
- 2:00pm Mindfulness, Meditation and Somatic Experiencing Class - Rik Center of the Mindfulness Care Center 2:00pm Zen Meditation - Shannon Stewart
- 2:45pm Parachute Play - Sam McMullen
- 3:00pm Chair Massage - Amy Hintze
- 3:00pm See and Learn about Goats - City Grazing
- 3:00pm Bicycle Powered Smoothies @ Hayes Valley Farm
- 3:00pm Herbs & Wellness Skill Share - Sam McMullen
- 3:45pm Parachute Play - Sam McMullen
- 4:00pm Creative Writing Workshop 4:00pm Meditation/Mindfulness - Anne Mascovich
- 4:00pm Mindful Weeding - Sam McMullen
- 4:45pm Parachute Play - Sam McMullen
- *Additional Cooking Skill Shares at the Hayes Valley Farm throughout the day with Ty Curley.
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